New mamas

I wanted to make a special page just for you, New Mama. Maybe your baby is 1 month old, 3 months old, or 5 months old. This is such a hard time for you. I’ve been there and I see you and I’m here to tell you this first season of motherhood doesn’t last long.

Your life used to be quiet, it used to be relaxing, and it used to be all about you. Now, you look around your house, and nothing looks or even feels like home anymore. Your kitchen has been taken over by baby bottles and a sterilizing station, your couch now has a changing station and baby blankets. Your bedroom doesn’t even feel like your space anymore either. It’s where you used to get a restful night’s sleep, and now it’s shared with a baby who needs you through the night.

Every day it seems like you’re off course, with no real direction. Maybe breastfeeding is getting more difficult. Or those 2 hour naps in the baby swing have turned into 30 minute naps. There’s no routine and you feel like your needs don’t matter anymore. You’re isolated and alone, despite the friends or family members that tell you they will come over and help you, so you can eat, sleep, shower, but each day is just so damn long. I promise you, this is so temporary.

I’ve been there, twice. Yes, even the second baby feels like it’s the first time you’re figuring this whole thing out. Those long days and nights just melt into each other and you don’t even know when you will feel good again.

My babies were very different from one another and that didn’t make things any easier. Things I remembered from my first didn’t apply with my second.

You’re not alone

Can I just tell you, the first 3 months are known for the hardest, loneliest time with your baby. Maybe not everyone feels that way, but I know that babies at this stage are the most demanding. They are taking in so much, and you are their whole world. You may not see it but that baby is madly in love with you.

If you feel like you’re not connecting or bonding with your baby, you’re not alone. I didn’t feel a real connection with either of my babies until I started to feel like myself again. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your baby, you just have to adjust to your new role.

In the first stages of motherhood, you feel like nothing else is getting done except feedings, changing, rocking, but let me tell you…

Everything you are doing for your baby is the only thing that matters right now. Keeping that baby fed and clean and connected to you mama, is exactly what you need to be doing.

That baby needs you to use this short time to build love and trust.

No one is a better mama for that baby than you.