10 Things to do with your newborn everyday

  1. Tell your baby stories

Babies pick up our voices from the womb. So it’s only natural for them to hang on to your every word when we talk to them.  They won’t understand what you are saying, but your voice is like music to their little ears. Tell them anything you want, like the day they were born, or even a story about their sibling. It also helps your baby to study your mouth for future stages of learning.

2. Dance with your baby 

While cradling your newborn, and making frequent eye contact, have a little dance party in the living room. It’s a great way to bond and share some fun in the day. Your baby can see your face clearly from this angle and will enjoy seeing your happy face while dancing with mama. 

3. Sing songs to your baby

Singing to your baby is a soothing way for your baby to hear your voice, no matter how talented you are. Your baby doesn’t care about that anyway, they just love your voice and singing songs on repeat can help your baby familiarize fun songs that they may hear somewhere else, ultimately benefiting their memory. 

4. Baby massage 

Giving your baby a gentle massage is a great way to both bond with them, and help them relax. We all enjoy a little rub on our back, arms and feet, so using a calming baby lotion of your choice, gently, rub your baby’s thighs, down to the feet, shoulders to chest, downward on the belly. There are different techniques to use for the belly especially, as it can help ease gas discomfort. 

5. Let them look in a mirror 

Looking at their own reflection in a mirror is probably confusing for a baby at first, but soon they realize who it is. Especially when mama is in the mirror with them, it helps them understand that you are both there, so it must be “us” looking back, and I bet there will be a smile from your baby in no time. Wave hello and give kisses in the mirror for a fun game. 

6. Allow some tummy time

Babies don’t always appreciate tummy time right at first, but eventually they get the hang of it and can keep busy for at least a few minutes. It helps your baby develop strength in their neck muscles. Place objects within reach to keep your baby entertained. As soon as your baby is unable to keep their head up, end the tummy time there.

7. Go for a walk

Taking your baby for a walk around the block, or even just the backyard can be good for both of you. Fresh air and sunlight have been proven to lift your mood and promote happier feelings. Your baby also gets a new view and different sounds to experience. Believe it or not, fresh air and nature sounds can help a baby sleep! So drop everything your doing after a feeding and diaper change, and get that baby in the stroller, or strap them to your body and head outside. 

8. Play with bubbles outside

Playing with bubbles can be exciting for your baby, and even as they grow up. They float slowly to keep your baby’s gaze and shimmer in the sunlight. Blowing bubbles will soon become more of a game when your baby’s little hands start to reach for them, and some day trying to chase them!

9. Do bath time during the day

You may only choose to do bath at bedtime routine but if that isn’t an issue, try bath time during the day, when baby is fed and happy, and make it more engaging than it would be at bedtime. Use a bubble bath and let your baby hold a bath toy, if able, and sing songs. This also eases tummy aches from gas pressure during the day, as the warm water helps their muscles relax and move things along. 

10. Read to you baby

Reading books to a newborn won’t be for any real engagement with the book, but more to interact with each other and give you more tones of voice to use. Sometimes you run out of stories to tell so picking up a book can give your baby something to look at and more of your voice to hear, because to your baby, you have the most beautiful voice.